paradise city

HOTEL DINING Experience hotel dining featuring top-notch ingredients at our Michelin starred restaurant and premium buffet.

On the Plate

Premium Buffet Restaurant consisting of five stations reflecting the latest trends in Europe, New York and Shanghai

Premium buffet On The Plate with five stations serves foods prepared by professional chefs with handpicked fresh ingredients of high quality. 

The Grill Station, a New York style corner, offers lamb chop roast, marinated thick skirt, thin skirt, LA-style ribs, and other top-quality meat, alongside a range of grilled seasonal seafoods such as crab and abalone. Come and try both Asian and Western foods from around the world, including an array of appetizers and gorgeous desserts, altogether.


Operating hours
06:30 ~ 10:30
12:00 ~ 14:30
18:00 ~ 21:30
* Every Saturday Dinner are served in 2 seating sessions.
 - [1st Session] 17:00-19:00 / [2nd Session] 19:45-21:45
Number of seats
260 seats ( 2 Private rooms / 8 seats )
Contact Number

Station Overview

  • New York Style Station

    A hearty New York style brunch and grill station

  • Mediterranean Station

    A station emphasizing the freshness and healthiness of Mediterranean food by highlighting its true taste and flavor

  • Euro Bread & Cafe Station

    A European-inspired station with traditional European bread like baguette, ciabatta and scone along with barista-made coffee

  • Cantonese Station

    A station with various Cantonese-style seafood and meat dishes

  • Mariage Station

    A drink station presenting season-specific special drinks that pair well with foods from other stations


Category Mon - Thu Fri Weekends
Adult Child Adult Child Adult Child
Breakfast KRW 70,000 KRW 35,000 KRW 70,000 KRW 35,000 KRW 70,000 KRW 35,000
Lunch KRW 130,000 KRW 65,000 KRW 130,000 KRW 65,000 KRW 170,000 KRW 85,000
Dinner KRW 150,000 KRW 75,000 KRW 170,000 KRW 85,000 KRW 170,000 KRW 85,000

Children: From 37 months old to age 12 / Adults: Age 13 or above.


  • Business hours and rates may be subject to change on public/legal holidays and during high seasons.
  • Public and legal holidays are subject to weekend rates.
  • On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, the breakfast service is available to accommodation guests only.
  • Bringing and using banners or event items from outside is not allowed, as events and family functions are not to be held at the venue.
  • All items on the menu may be subject to change, depending on the ingredient supply.

1:1 consultation

*Required fields
  • You can find your inquiries and our responses at the ‘Inquiries’ of MY PAGE.
  • Your inquiries are processed by [Inquiry submission to the relevant department -> Investigation of the cause -> Improvement measures and appropriate actions -> Result announcement].
  • Please kindly understand that it may take some time to process the responses if the inquiries are submitted on the weekends or holidays.

Consent to collection and use of personal information (Required)

Paradise City is committed to protecting your personal information. In order to provide services, we require your consent in accordance with Articles 15 and 22 of the Personal Information Protection Act.


[Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information]

1. Purpose of collection and use: user verification for membership service, customer notification and complaint handling

2. Information subject to collection

  - Required information: username, password, name, date of birth, mobile phone number, email address

  - Optional information: address, profession, wedding anniversary date, facilities of interest, areas of interest

3. The following rules apply to the personal information of inactive users and upon expiration of retention period counted from the last access, the personal information shall be stored/managed separately or destroyed:

  1) Valid for 1 year

  2) Applicable services: membership service (user verification, website login, view/credit/redemption/adjustment/conversion of reward points), card issuance, purchase of hotel products and services, updating information

  3) After expiration: to be managed or stored separately

    a. separate storage and management: As part of a measure equivalent to destruction, the personal information of inactive users shall be stored/managed separately from the database containing other users' personal information and unauthorized access is restricted.

    b. notification of pending expiration: members shall be notified of destruction or separate storage/management of personal information via email or text message at least 30 days prior to expiration, including the date and types of information.

    c. If inactive members use the service, it shall be considered a request to re-activate the account and their personal information shall be restored for normal storage/management.

4. Personal information shall be destroyed when the purpose of collection and use is achieved in accordance with Article 2 of the Privacy Policy or if requested by the member during the retention period or at the   point of destruction. However, personal information shall be retained under the applicable laws and regulations in the following events:

  - Period of retention/use: from the date of membership registration to the withdrawal of membership

  - Applicable laws: Commercial Act, Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transaction, etc.

  - Period of retention

    ㆍWithdrawal of subscription or contract: 5 years

    ㆍInformation about payment and product supply: 5 years

    ㆍHandling complaints or disputes with consumers: 3 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in the Electronic Commerce Transaction, etc.)

    ㆍCollection and use of credit information: 3 years (Credit Information Use and Protection Act)
In the event of outstanding payment or overpayment, the information shall be retained until the case is resolved.

5. You may refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information. However, in this case, you may not be able to register as a member.


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    personnel Select

    Adults13 years and older
    Children37 months to 12 years old
    Infantsunder 37 months

    Seat type

    Date & Time of Reservation

    • Sun
    • Mon
    • Tue
    • Wed
    • Thu
    • Fri
    • Sat


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        상세 요금표

        ■ 변경 요금 안내

        • * FESTIVE WEEK 기간에는 특별 요금으로 운영됩니다. (12/21(토)~1/1(수)) * 12/24(화), 12/28(토) ~ 12/31(화) Dinner는 2부제로 운영됩니다.

        ■ 12월 넷째주 ~ 1월 첫째 주 (12월 23일(월) ~ 25년 1월 1일(화))

        12월 23일(월) ~ 25년 1월 1일(화)
        Category 12월 23일(월)
        12월 26일(목) ~ 27일(금)
        12월 30일(월) ~ 31일(화)
        12월 24일(화) ~ 25일(수)
        12월 28일(토) ~ 29일(일)
        25년 1월 1일(수)
        Adult Child Adult Child
        Breakfast KRW 70,000 KRW 35,000 KRW 70,000 KRW 35,000
        Lunch KRW 150,000 KRW 75,000 KRW 185,000 KRW 92,500
        Dinner KRW 185,000 KRW 92,500 KRW 185,000 KRW 92,500
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