paradise city

General InformationPlease refer to the following for your convenience.

Special Exhibitions

Temporary closure

Permanent Exhibitions



  • Opening Hours: 10:00 ~ 20:00(Last admission: 19:00)
  • Please observe standard art exhibition etiquette.
    • -Please enjoy looking at the works but refrain from touching the artworks.
    • -Food and pets are prohibited from admission.
    • -When accompanying infants and children, we ask the guardians to take extra care to watch them.
  • The opening hours and policy may change, depending on the circumstances.
    Please check out our notice on the website before your visit.

Opening Hours

10:00 ~ 20:00(Last admission: 19:00)


  • In regard to extra opening hours related to the exhibition-related programs, please refer to our notice.
  • The opening hours and policy may change, depending on the circumstances.
    Please check out our notice on the website before your visit.